Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Dial H for Heroclix - 489 A Wildly Versatile Wheels of Vengeance Set Review

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Dial H for Heroclix - 488 Dial H for Howard T. Duckson
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
With over 20 years worth of Heroclix experience hosts Kalder and Simeon truly blend the Casual and Competitive aspects of Heroclix into this all encompassing podcast! Stay tuned as they cover: news, strategy, team builds, and everything else in the world of Heroclix!Join Kalder, Simeon, this week as we: 1. Talk about Wheels of Vengeance Spoiler season2. Answer some listener questionsIf this is your first episode or you are just getting into Heroclix check out our new player episode for everything you need to know for when you get started: Don't forget to tweet in, email or just message us on Facebook any time you have a question. We'd love to hear from you!Follow the links Below! Everything: DIALH10 for 10% off: Red Bubble: Sponsor:

Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Dial H for Heroclix - 487 A werewolf riding a motorcycle?!?!?
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
With over 20 years worth of Heroclix experience hosts Kalder and Simeon truly blend the Casual and Competitive aspects of Heroclix into this all encompassing podcast! Stay tuned as they cover: news, strategy, team builds, and everything else in the world of Heroclix!Join Kalder, Simeon, this week as we: 1. Talk about Wheels of Vengeance Spoiler season2. Answer some listener questionsIf this is your first episode or you are just getting into Heroclix check out our new player episode for everything you need to know for when you get started: Don't forget to tweet in, email or just message us on Facebook any time you have a question. We'd love to hear from you!Follow the links Below! Everything: DIALH10 for 10% off: Red Bubble: Sponsor:

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Dial H for Heroclix - 486 Big Wheel(s of Vengeance) keep on turning
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
With over 20 years worth of Heroclix experience hosts Kalder and Simeon truly blend the Casual and Competitive aspects of Heroclix into this all encompassing podcast! Stay tuned as they cover: news, strategy, team builds, and everything else in the world of Heroclix!Join Kalder, Simeon, and Ian this week as we: 1. Talk about Wheels of Vengeance and Scott Porters unboxing2. Answer some listener questionsIf this is your first episode or you are just getting into Heroclix check out our new player episode for everything you need to know for when you get started: Don't forget to tweet in, email or just message us on Facebook any time you have a question. We love to hear from you!Follow the links Below! Links: DIALH10 for 10% off: Red Bubble: Sponsor:

Monday Oct 02, 2023
Dial H for Heroclix 485 - To click, or not to click that is the question
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Monday Oct 02, 2023
With over 20 years worth of Heroclix experience hosts Kalder and Simeon truly blend the Casual and Competitive aspects of Heroclix into this all encompassing podcast! Stay tuned as they cover: news, strategy, team builds, and everything else in the world of Heroclix!Join Kalder, Simeon, and Ian this week as we: 1. Talk about Notorious and what we are building! 2. Answer some listener questionsIf this is your first episode or you are just getting into Heroclix check out our new player episode for everything you need to know for when you get started: Don't forget to tweet in, email or just message us on Facebook any time you have a question. We love to hear from you!Follow the links Below! Links: DIALH10 for 10% off: Red Bubble: Sponsor:

Monday Sep 25, 2023
Monday Sep 25, 2023
With over 20 years worth of Heroclix experience hosts Kalder and Simeon truly blend the Casual and Competitive aspects of Heroclix into this all encompassing podcast! Stay tuned as they cover: news, strategy, team builds, and everything else in the world of Heroclix!Join Kalder, Simeon, and Ian this week as we: 1. Talk all about worlds!If this is your first episode or you are just getting into Heroclix check out our new player episode for everything you need to know for when you get started: Don't forget to tweet in, email or just message us on Facebook any time you have a question. We love to hear from you!Follow the links Below! Links: DIALH10 for 10% off: Red Bubble: Sponsor:

Friday Sep 22, 2023
Dial H for Heroclix - 483 Worlds shortest Dial H podcast
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
With over 20 years worth of Heroclix experience hosts Kalder and Simeon truly blend the Casual and Competitive aspects of Heroclix into this all encompassing podcast! Stay tuned as they cover: news, strategy, team builds, and everything else in the world of Heroclix!Join Kalder, and Simeon this week as we: 1. Quickly go over some post worlds thoughts.If this is your first episode or you are just getting into Heroclix check out our new player episode for everything you need to know for when you get started: Don't forget to tweet in, email or just message us on Facebook any time you have a question. We love to hear from you!Follow the links Below! Links: DIALH10 for 10% off: Red Bubble: Sponsor:

Monday Sep 11, 2023
Dial H for Heroclix 482 - Super Sized Worlds Primer
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
With over 20 years worth of Heroclix experience hosts Kalder and Simeon truly blend the Casual and Competitive aspects of Heroclix into this all encompassing podcast! Stay tuned as they cover: news, strategy, team builds, and everything else in the world of Heroclix!Join Kalder, and Simeon this week as we: 1. Talk Gama Previews 2. Go over what we know about notorious for team sealed/BRs3. Answer listener questionsIf this is your first episode or you are just getting into Heroclix check out our new player episode for everything you need to know for when you get started: Don't forget to tweet in, email or just message us on Facebook any time you have a question. We love to hear from you!Follow the links Below! Links: DIALH10 for 10% off: Red Bubble: Sponsor:

Monday Sep 04, 2023
Dial H for Heroclix - 481 Spoiler Season is upon us!
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Monday Sep 04, 2023
With over 20 years worth of Heroclix experience hosts Kalder and Simeon truly blend the Casual and Competitive aspects of Heroclix into this all encompassing podcast! Stay tuned as they cover: news, strategy, team builds, and everything else in the world of Heroclix!Join Kalder, and Simeon this week as we: 1. Talk about upcoming clix news!2. Answer some listener questionsIf this is your first episode or you are just getting into Heroclix check out our new player episode for everything you need to know for when you get started: Don't forget to tweet in, email or just message us on Facebook any time you have a question. We love to hear from you!Follow the links Below! Links: DIALH10 for 10% off: Red Bubble: Sponsor:

Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Dial H for Heroclix - 480 Exclusive Worlds Event Info
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
With over 20 years worth of Heroclix experience hosts Kalder and Simeon truly blend the Casual and Competitive aspects of Heroclix into this all encompassing podcast! Stay tuned as they cover: news, strategy, team builds, and everything else in the world of Heroclix!Join Kalder, and Simeon this week as we: 1. Talk about upcoming clix news!2. Discuss our Worlds welcome event!3. Talk about custom legacy cards in this weeks Thread dead RedemptionIf this is your first episode or you are just getting into Heroclix check out our new player episode for everything you need to know for when you get started: Don't forget to tweet in, email or just message us on Facebook any time you have a question. We love to hear from you!Follow the links Below! Links: DIALH10 for 10% off: Red Bubble: Sponsor:

Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Dial H for Heroclix - 479 ”All I want is a dang Twinkie”
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
With over 20 years worth of Heroclix experience hosts Kalder and Simeon truly blend the Casual and Competitive aspects of Heroclix into this all encompassing podcast! Stay tuned as they cover: news, strategy, team builds, and everything else in the world of Heroclix!Join Kalder, and Simeon this week as we: 1. Talk about upcoming clix news!2. Discuss Base shapes and which ones are Based (Spoiler Stadium is Cringe)Enter the Giveaway here: this is your first episode or you are just getting into Heroclix check out our new player episode for everything you need to know for when you get started: Don't forget to tweet in, email or just message us on Facebook any time you have a question. We love to hear from you!Follow the links Below! Links: DIALH10 for 10% off: Red Bubble: Sponsor: